3D Soil Hydraulic Database of Europe at 250 m resolution
(EU-SoilHydroGrids ver 1.0)

EU-SoilHydroGrids ver 1.0 (Maps)

The database includes information on the soil water content at the most frequently used matric potential values, saturated hydraulic conductivity, Mualem-van Genuchten parameters of the moisture retention and hydraulic conductivity curves.

Data format:
Spatial coverage:
Coordinate Reference System:

250 m
Projection: Azimuthal Equidistant
Latitude at projection centre : 53
Latitude at projection centre: 24
False Easting : 5837287.81977
False Northing: 2121415.69617
Units: meter
Datum: WGS84
Ellipsoid: WGS84

Data format:
Spatial coverage:
Coordinate Reference System:

30 arcseconds (about 1 km at the Equator)
Projection: Longitude Latitude
Units: decimal degrees
Datum: WGS84
Ellipsoid: WGS84

Reference of the dataset:

Tóth, B., Weynants, M., Pásztor, L., Hengl, T. 2017.
3D Soil Hydraulic Database of Europe at 250 m resolution.
Hydrol. Process., doi: 10.1002/hyp.11203.
Accepted Version

Further details on the database is available from here, copyright information is described here.

Information for download:

– 250 m resolution layers are available in tiles, area of interests needs to be selected,
– 1 km resolution layers are not tiled, it is available for whole Europe as a single layer,
– surface water and rock outcrop or bedrock is indicated as no data.


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